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DLCL ATS round-up, summer 2022
Summer 2022 brought with it some major organizational changes in the library. Nonetheless, the work continues: with SUCHO, getting back to everything else I was doing last winter, and taking on additi...
Quinn Dombrowski · September 19, 2022A Day in the Life of a DLCL ATS
With a hard-to-explain job title like "Academic Technology Specialist", I've often gotten the question, "What's a normal day like for you?" Every day is different, but yesterday fe...
Quinn Dombrowski · August 30, 2022Welcome Anne Ladyem McDivitt, New History ATS
The Department of History and the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR), part of Research Data Services at the Stanford Libraries, are excited to announce that Anne Ladyem McDivitt will...
Quinn Dombrowski · July 6, 2022DLCL ATS round-up, winter & spring 2022
In almost four years at Stanford, I've never missed one of my quarterly round-ups, but March 2022 was unlike any other month of my life. When Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, I ended up...
Quinn Dombrowski · June 15, 2022DLCL ATS round-up, fall 2021
This fall was not at all what I planned. The DH Role-Playing Game class I'd spent 18 months planning for and thinking about only had one student enroll. That bad surprise (which will, in its time, fin...
Quinn Dombrowski · December 16, 2021Russian Computational Periodicals
PI: Katherine Hill Reischl, Slavic Languages and Literatures This ever-growing project seeks to transform the complexities of early Soviet journals’ graphic environments into useable data. The current...
Quinn Dombrowski · October 19, 2021