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DLCL ATS round-up, fall 2020

2020 was the first year I taught in the fall -- and I'm very glad to have arranged teaching that way, so I have the rest of the year to continue supporting DLCL students on their projects. Teaching e...

Quinn Dombrowski · January 11, 2021

Animal Crossing: New Digital Humanities

This talk series hosted by Quinn Dombrowski (DLCL ATS at Stanford) and Liz Grumbach (Arizona State University) brings together DH scholars from around the world in the virtual space of Animal Crossing...

Quinn Dombrowski · October 6, 2020

DLCL ATS round-up, summer 2020

It’s hard to believe that fall is already here. A couple weeks of virtual first grade have given me some time to start preparing for teaching my non-English DH course this fall, but as usual, a lot of...

Quinn Dombrowski · September 13, 2020

DLCL ATS round-up, spring 2020

In describing this quarter, it’s hard to avoid the cliches of our time, starting with “unprecedented”. Daycare and public schools in Berkeley shut down at the end of winter quarter, and daycare — for...

Quinn Dombrowski · June 22, 2020

Day of DH 2020 at Stanford

CESTA and CIDR are participating in Day of DH, an international celebration of the work that digital humanists do, sponsored by centerNet. On Tuesday, April 28th at 4 PM Pacific, we'll have the virtua...

Quinn Dombrowski · April 24, 2020

DLCL ATS round-up, winter 2020

It is a strange time to be writing my quarter-in-review blog post. The quarter is over (according to the calendar we started the year with, it’s spring break right now) but I feel like a normal sense...

Quinn Dombrowski · March 23, 2020