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Doing Digital History: Getting Started with Zotero
Date/Time: Thursday, 17 October 2013 - 12:00pm to 1:15pmLocation: Lane History Corner, Room 307 Jason A. Heppler, ATS for the Department of History, will be leading a series of workshops called Doing...
Jason A. Heppler · September 17, 2013Doing Digital History: Paper Machines, a Talk by Jo Guldi
Date/Time: Friday, 25 October 2013 - 12:00pm to 2:00pmLocation: Lane History Corner, Room 307 Doing Digital History Workshop: Paper Machines A talk by Jo Guldi, Assistant Professor of History at Brown...
Jason A. Heppler · September 17, 2013Doing Digital History: Tools for Managing Research Assets
Date/Time: Thursday, 21 November 2013 - 12:00pm to 1:15pmLocation: Lane History Corner, Room 307 Jason A. Heppler, ATS for the Department of History, will be leading a series of workshops called Doing...
Jason A. Heppler · September 17, 2013On DHThis, a Slashdot for the Digital Humanities
A recently launched site, DHThis, aims to be the Slashdot of the Digital Humanities. I have some reservations about the platform they chose, which I discuss at some length on my blog....
Mike Widner · September 11, 2013A GeoHumanities Special Interest Group
Today the Association of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) announced the creation of a GeoHumanities Special Interest Group, instigated and co-chaired by yours truly and Kathy Weimer, Curator of...
Karl Grossner · September 8, 2013Debating the Methods in Matt Jockers's Macroanalysis
On September 3rd we had our second meeting of the Stanford Digital Humanities Reading Group, in which we discussed Matt Jockers’s new book, Macroanalysis: Digital Methods & Literary History. Becau...
Mike Widner · September 5, 2013